Message: “Rise Up in Faith” from Dr. Deron Biles

Deron Biles - June 10, 2023

Rise Up in Committment

What does it take to complete a GREAT task? It takes commitment. Today, we continue our sermon series entitled, Rise Up. The title of the message today is Rise Up in Commitment. The task before the people in Nehemiah 3 was a BIG task. It's why it hadn't been completed before. The walls of the city had been destroyed for over a century. They were destroyed when Babylon captured the city in 586 BC. They were down the 70 years Judah was in captivity. But, even when God allowed Judah to return to Jerusalem, they still weren't rebuilt. Judah returned to Judah in 539 BC, but the walls still were not rebuilt. In fact, by the time Nehemiah was called to the scene, Judah had been back in the land for 90 years. The wall around the city was their physical security. But, broken down walls represented a people who were broken in other ways.

Scripture References: Nehemiah 3:1-32

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