Message: “Two Words, Two People, Two Names, and Two Truths” from Deron Biles

Deron Biles - April 24, 2022

Rise Up in Prayer

The one thing we need MOST is often the last place we turn in a crisis and that's prayer. Dr. Biles mentions in this sermon, "Despair should always lead me to prayer." That's where Nehemiah was. He received word that Jerusalem was in crisis. But, he was living in a foreign land. What could he do about it? First, he could pray. The Book of Nehemiah is an autobiography of Nehemiah's faith, opposition, vision, and leadership. Throughout his ministry, we see him as a man of prayer. Today, Dr. Biles begins a 10-week sermon series on the book of Nehemiah. He's entitled the series, Rise Up. The title comes from Nehemiah 2:18, which was the people's response to Nehemiah. Nehemiah encouraged them to rebuild and they responded, "Let's Rise Up and Rebuild." Throughout this series, Pastor Deron is encouraging all of us as believers to "RISE UP."

Scripture References: Nehemiah 1:1-11

From Series: "Rise Up"

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