Our Story
On July 3, 1904, New Hope Baptist Church chartered with thirteen members under the direction of Dr. James B. Gambrell, who was then associated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the First Baptist Church of Dallas. The Rev. S.W. Kendrick served as the first pastor, with services held once monthly. In 1907, members dedicated their first sanctuary located northwest of Sunnyvale First Baptist Church current location on Belt Line. The church grew, and in 1953, New Hope residents joined with other nearby communities to incorporate as the Town of Sunnyvale.
On March 6, 1966, New Hope Baptist Church then changed its name to First Baptist Church Sunnyvale. In 1975, First Baptist Church Sunnyvale moved to where the church sits currently at 3018 N. Belt Line Road. Reaching the 110-year marker on July 3, 2014, our church family continues to love God constantly and serves to help people know God and make Him known publicly throughout the world. We hope you will join us soon, and find out for yourself what God has been, and is doing at Sunnyvale First Baptist Church.
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