Adults + Care Groups

Who We Are

Sunday School Classes
Our 9:00 AM Sunday School Classes are offered in both English and Spanish. By studying the scriptures together and accepting various ministry opportunities, these groups allow believers to grow in their faith toward a more discipled life and walk with Christ.
For an updated list of our Sunday School Classes, pick up a brochure at any of our Welcome Centers or click the button below.
Wednesday Activities
We have fun and engaging activities for all ages on Wednesday nights here at Sunnyvale FBC. We kick things off with our Family Meal from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM in the Lighthouse followed by the Midweek Bible Study at 6:30 PM.
If you would like to RSVP for the Family Meal or check out the upcoming menu, click the button below.

Senior Adults
The Senior Adult Ministry at Sunnyvale FBC is one that loves to worship, serve, and fellowship with one another. From weekly Bible studies to taking fun trips several times a year with one another, the Senior Adult Ministry is active in pursuing Christ personally, and as a body of believers.
T.L.C. Fellowship Luncheon
We meet every third Thursday of the month at 10:30 AM in the Lighthouse for a variety of inspirational programs followed by lunch. We also have many other trips, training seminars, and volunteer opportunities from which to choose.
For more information on any Senior Adult events or activities, or if you have any questions, please contact Jason Brooks.
Sunnyvale Institute
The Sunnyvale Institute conducts series throughout the year with an emphasis on apologetics and other Biblical related subjects. This group meets at 4:00 PM in room C101 on Sunday evenings for approximately six weeks. Our next study is on Grandparenting With a Purpose starting Sunday, September 8, 2024.
For more information about the Sunnyvale Institute, please contact the Church Office at (972) 226-7105.

Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry at Sunnyvale FBC is one that is dedicated to bring women of all ages together to worship, serve, and fellowship with one another.
Ladies Bible Studies
Throughout the year, various ladies Bible studies are offered on Tuesday nights, Thursday mornings, and also Friday mornings. The nursery is provided if advance reservations are made. For more information, contact Jill Rawls.
Women On Mission
Women On Mission do a variety of volunteer projects throughout the year from stuffing bags for children’s ministry, making hygiene kits for the homeless, helping with mail outs, etc. If you would like to be added to the volunteer list, please contact Jill Rawls.
Care Groups
Benevolence Ministry
The primary purpose of the Benevolence Ministry is to assist people in times of need as the hands and feet of Christ. Though meeting physical needs does not directly accomplish the Great Commission, we recognize that it is often a doorway to do so. As a result, our commitment is to minister to the whole person, whether it be a physical, emotional, or spiritual need that arises.
Support Group Ministry
Sunnyvale First Baptist Church offers Support Groups that want to help the hurting by offering to heal through Bible-based support and encouragement groups that meet on campus Wednesday evenings. Each Support Group Ministry is designed to meet a specific need but all groups offer Biblical instruction and loving support because each participant is significant, each is loved by God, and each is created in His likeness and image.