Comms Request Step 1 of 13 7% Comms RequestName(Required) First Last Email(Required) How can we help?(Required)I have an event. Describe Your EventWhat is the title of your event?(Required)Who is this event for?(Required) Campus-wide Preschool Kids Students Parents Men Women Senior Adults College Young Adults Worship Sunday School Outreach/Community Missions Special Needs Give us a short description of what will take place?(Required)2-3 sentences is the ideal length. Please include event features like food, childcare, music, guest artists/teachers, theme, etc.Has your event been submitted to the Staff Calendar and approved?(Required) Yes No Please submit your event to the staff calendar. Once your event has been approved, please return to this page and complete the Comms Request Form. Submit Calendar Event Event DetailsDate of Event(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Location(Required) Event RegistrationDo participants need to register?(Required) Yes No Registration Link(Required)Please copy and paste the full URL.When is the last day to register?(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Is childcare provided?(Required) Yes No Please be sure that you include a option in your registration for childcare.When is the last day to register for childcare?(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Any other information we should include in promotion regarding childcare?(Required)Event PromotionWhen would you like to start promoting this event?(Required)Best Practice for Promotional Timelines: - Free Events - promote 4 weeks prior - Paid Events 6-8 weeks prior. Timeline Disclaimer: The communications team requires at least 6 weeks notice before an event to provide deliverables. Any promotional request date within 3 weeks of the CommReq submission date may be declined or pushed back due to capacity. MM slash DD slash YYYY Event PromotionHow can we help you promote your event?Do you need a graphics package?(Required) Yes No Do you need weekly email promotion?(Required) Yes No Do you need a targeted email?(Required) Yes No Do you need a roadside banner?(Required)Roadside banners are reccomended for community facing, large events like VBS, Easter, Christmas, Family Festival, etc. Yes No Event Promotion: PrintNote: The communications team will review all requests and determine the appropriate promotional items based on the event size and team capacity. Do you need a poster or flyer?(Required)Specifically to promote your event. You can request event deliverable print items later in the CommReq. Yes No What information would you like included on the promotional poster/flyer?(Required)How many promotional posters/flyers do you need?(Required) Event Deliverables: MerchandiseWould you like swag or merchandise for your event?(Required) Yes No Would you like hats?(Required) Yes No What would you like on the hat?(Required)Text, Verse, etc.For the hat, do you have example image you'd like us to reference? Attach examples here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. How many hats would you like to order?(Required)Would you like mugs?(Required) Yes No What would you like on the mug?(Required)Text, Verse, etc.For the mugs, do you have example image you'd like us to reference? Attach examples here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. How many mugs would you like to order?(Required)Would you like shirts?(Required) Yes No What would you like on the shirt?(Required)Text, Verse, etc.For the shirts, do you have example image you'd like us to reference? Attach examples here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. How many shirts would you like to order?(Required)Would you like stickers?(Required) Yes No What would you like on the stickers?(Required)Text, Verse, etc.For the stickers, do you have example image you'd like us to reference? Attach examples here. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. How many stickerts would you like to order?(Required) Event Deliverables: SlidesDo you need event slides?(Required) Yes No Please include a list of slides you need and the text for each slide.(Required)Do you already have the slides typed out? You can attach the file here.Max. file size: 128 MB. Event Deliverables: Print ItemsDo you need a booklet for the event?(Required) Yes No What information would you like in the booklet?(Required)How many booklets do you need?(Required)Do you have booklet content ready? Please attach it here.All booklet content is due to the Communications Office 4 weeks prior to your event to allow time for design, revisions and printing. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. Do you need a response card for the event?(Required) Yes No What information would you like in the response card?(Required)How many response cards do you need?(Required) Event Deliverables: SignageDo you need event signage? Yes No Event DeliverablesWould you like to have photo or video coverage at this event?(Required)Disclaimer: All photography and video requests will be reviewed by communications and determined by current capacity, scale of event, and current need for this type of content for the church. Yes No Event DeliverablesIs there anything else we can provide for your event? VerifyPlease ensure that all information in this form is correct and up-to-date. Any incomplete information, temporary answers, or changes made in the future can result in a delay. My information is correct.(Required) Yes No